Friday, July 6, 2012
Oh yes, some new music by two of my current favorite up and coming artists right now, Robb Bank$ (Calendar$ is dead), and SPACEGHOSTPURRP. If you don't know anything about Bank$ and/or are digging this track and what to hear more from him please check out the his "Calendar$" mixtape, and you may or may not have heard of SPACEGHOSTPURRP through the whole A$AP Rocky/SPACEGHOSTPURRP beef that is going on right now. I don't know the whole deal about what's going on, but I do know that PURRP is doing his thing on the beats and on the vocals. These two tweeted about a track they did together/were in the process of doing and I am excited about what came about with 'Like That.' Bank$ has been somewhat MIA from the music scene since "Calendar$" dropped and does have a new project in the works, and you already know PURRP has been doing his thing production wise and making a name for himself. I'm looking for more Bank$/RVDXR KLVN collaborations in the future, until then, enjoy 'Like That.' Look out for YOTS (Year of the Savage) in the future.
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