Another ill song by the guys at Pac Div. The beat is just incredible and the guys go to work to make another hot track for the fans. I have no idea why people don't listen to these guys more and hear this stuff on the radio and what not. On the other hand atleast you can still be able to bump Pac Div and be the first one to say you were on it first before they really hit mainstream all over the place. The song 'Your F****** Song' is a dedication to the girls that take too long, that need to stay out your life, that perpetrate (taken from the lyrics). Some stuff in the song I'm not really about (calling women the "B" word, I sound like I'm 10 but I try not to swear), but the instrumental has me playing it over, and over and over again. If you've never heard of Pac Div and what to hear something else, check out their song 'Fa Real' on my partner site the
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